Chocolate chip Cookies- Perfect Recipe Found!

 This one is the kids' favorite. In fact, all my friends loved it too. I have become a baker in their eyes after I treated them with these cookies. You will be surely delighted with them too. Just to clarify, I added sprinkles instead of Chocolate Chip to make them more appealing for kids.

They are crispy yet melting in the mouth so you can try them without thinking twice and be guilt-free. When you make them at home you have a choice to add the butter or oil of your choice and that means you can let the kids feast on them. This recipe by Terrace Kitchen is easy and quick and one of the best choices for making cookies.

Best Part of the Recipe:

1.Requires easily available Ingredients

2. Simple and quick

Caution: They are so delectable that they will quickly vanish from your plate so make a few extra for yourself. 😊😊
