Walnut chocolate Fudge- Perfect Recipe Found!

 This wonderful Recipe is the easiest and the best way to please kids. You don't need many ingredients and yet you have the most delectable and mouthwatering chocolate sweet ready in only a few minutes.

So what are waiting for? Get ready with a pan and keep the below-mentioned ingredients ready.

For this dish, you would need the recipe by Tarla Dalal.

Ingredients Required in the Recipe:

1/4 cup Cocoa Powder

1/2 cup chopped Walnuts

1/2 cup Condensed Milk

1/4 cup Butter

1 tbsp Sugar

1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence


Take a non-stick pan preferably and add all the ingredients. Cook on a medium flame for 3-5 minutes. You can take it off the flame as soon as the mixture starts leaving the pan. Immediately transfer the Fudge to a greased aluminum tin and let it cool down then put it in the fridge to set well.

Tip of the day-  I took a simple Stainless pan and it worked fine for this recipe too. Also, I completely skipped Sugar as condensed milk makes the recipe quite sweet already. Also, you can reduce the cocoa powder if you do not like the bitter taste of the Cocoa Powder.

Do try the recipe and share your feedback on whether this blog helped you in easily finding the best recipe or not? Also, how you would like this blog to help you further. Keep Reading and leave your comments too. I Would love to have your feedback.
